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3 personal reasons why I still like my canon C100

I bought this camera 4 years ago which means I got the first generation for more or less $5,500. Today you can get the MarkII with Dualpixels, 1080 60P and with the DIGIC DV4 image processor integrated at that price. There are features on the MarkII that can be really useful that the MarkI doesn't have but other than that, both are really similar and give you​ freedom of creative expression in HD video production.

Three good reasons why I personally like this camera;


It's optimized for a one-person use. The Handle unit is just so well made and comfortable the way that you can access your camera settings so easily and fast which makes it perfect for ''run and gun'' situations. This camcorder is so light that you don't really need a rig so in the long run you'll be able to capture amazing footage without affecting your fatigue too much. For comfortable shooting positions it can be rotated in a 360 degree as well. You also got a really good quality mic with XLR input, convenient if you're on set with an audio person. What's even better about it, it's also a handle that can be used to effectuate creative shot from a lower angle. For your own personal shooting preferences, customizable hardware buttons are available as well.

Low light capability

It's amazing how the sensor of this camera is so fragile to light, especially if you have the Canon Log locked. Canon Log ​is a gamma setting that retains the most information out of the image, which is ideal for color correction in post production. With this locked you're getting maximum dynamic range, flat image quality, low contrast and subdued sharpness ​thanks to the ​DIGIC DV III image processor from Canon. So ​in several situations you don't need lights and again it's perfect for a one-man job. You can go from 320 to 80,000 in ISO speed, thought between 20,000 and 80,000 it is not recommended for your films unless if you need to get rehearsal shots from locations or use it as a “nightvision” because with these ISO speeds you can see what the human eye can't which is awesome but not convenient for your project.

C100 Video codec

The C100 uses MPEG-4 and records in AVCHD format. The format uses a color sampling 4: 2: 0 and Canon has implemented a 24 Mbit/s bit rate enabled by standard, it's Full HD native resolution. What's nice about AVCHD is that it helps improve quality while minimizing storage requirements. Very convenient for travelling, don't have to worry about running out of storage. In two SD memory cards with recording chained and simultaneous dual HD recording offer up to 12 hours of continuous recording. With a 32GB SD Memory Card you can shoot for 2h 55mins, 2 of these and you're all set for the day. Automatically, the camera will simply use the second card when the first has reached its maximum storage capacity. Traveling with lots of equipments is really hard and expensive, I had to travel to Montreal to shoot a music video and the only equipment i brought was my C100, 2 lenses and a Glidecam. I was set wit both 32GB SD cards that were in the card slots and good to go. One of my good friends is a photographer and he wanted me take BTS of his photoshoots, the c100 is just so wonderful for these type of shoots I just love it. Here take a look at his site, all the videos are on there link and I included the first BTS a couple of years back below. Also when I visited Los Angeles, I produced this video for my cousin about his famous BMW M5 E39.

What came out of this are links are below:

If you are looking for a low budget camcorder to purchase for your projects then is the way to start with. This camera is currently running under $2,500 in the market today, trust me once you have it you're all set and ready to make a film.

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